Lets make a dice game. This is the third day of code and I am making a small projects to learn and improve my skills.
- Each player will have five turns.
- There will be two players: 1st will be the user and the 2nd will be computer(i.e it will be randomized by itself.)
- The numbers on the dice will be added to the final score after each turn.
- At the end score will be compared and the winner will be decided.
Setting up the window:
import tkinter as tk window= tk.Tk() window.title("Dice Game") window.geometry("600x600") window.resizable(False, False) window.config(bg='#cdb4db') window.mainloop()
Now lets make widgets i.e gonna be:
- Heading: welcoming statement.
heading_game = tk.Label(window, text='Welcome to Dice Game!', font=('arial', 40),
bg='#cdb4db', fg='#03045e', height= 2)
- Rules of the games:
rules= { 'rule-1':'Each player will have five turns.',
'rule-2': 'There will be two players: 1st will be the user and the 2nd will be computer(i.e it will be randomized by itself.)',
'rule-3':'The numbers on the dice will be added to the final score after each turn.',
'rule-4':'At the end score will be compared and the winner will be decided. ' }
number = 1
for i, rule in rules.items():
number += 1
i= tk.Label(frame, text=rule , font=('arial', 12), bg='#ffc8dd', fg='#212529', pady=2, padx=2, height= 2)
i.grid(row= number, column=1 )
This time instead of making the code bigger by making each label individually, used for loop to create widgets according to the dict that has list of rules. This way it is more readable and shot.
- initiating global variables for final scores of the players:
player1_score = 0
player2_score = 0
p1_current= 0
p2_current= 0
p1_current = current score of player 1 & player1_score = final score of player 1
p2_current = current score of player 2 & player2_score = final score of player 2
- Result display:
#Display Box:
number = 0
resultLabel = tk.Label(window, text= 'Final Scores', font=('arial', 16),bg='#cdb4db', fg='#212529', height=4 )
frame_b = tk.Frame(window, bg='#ffc8dd')
# Final scores:
p1_label = tk.Label(frame_b, text ='Player-1:', font=('arial', 16), bg='#5e548e', fg='#f6fff8', height=6, width= 8)
p1_label.grid(row=1, column=1)
f_score_1 = tk.Label(frame_b, text ='0', font=('arial', 16), bg='#5e548e', fg='#f6fff8', height=6, width= 16 )
f_score_1.grid(row=1, column=2)
p2_label = tk.Label(frame_b, text ='Player-2:', font=('arial', 16), bg='#5e548e', fg='#f6fff8', height=6, width= 8)
p2_label.grid(row=1, column=3)
f_score_2 = tk.Label(frame_b,font=('arial', 16),text= '0', bg='#5e548e', fg='#f6fff8', height= 6, width= 16 )
f_score_2.grid(row=1, column=4)
- Current Score display:
# current scores of player 1 anad player 2
current_score_label = tk.Label(window, text= 'Current Score:', font=('arial', 16, 'bold'),bg='#cdb4db', fg='#212529', height=4 )
frame_c = tk.Frame(window, bg='#cdb4db')
p1_label = tk.Label(frame_c, text ='Player-1:', font=('arial', 16), bg='#cdb4db', fg='#212529', height=6, width= 8)
p1_label.grid(row=1, column=1)
p1_cs = tk.Label(frame_c, text ='0', font=('arial', 16), bg='#cdb4db', fg='#212529', height=4, width= 16 )
p1_cs.grid(row=1, column=2)
p2_label = tk.Label(frame_c, text ='Player-2:', font=('arial', 16), bg='#cdb4db', fg='#212529', height=6, width= 8)
p2_label.grid(row=1, column=3)
p2_cs = tk.Label(frame_c,font=('arial', 16),text= '0', bg='#cdb4db',fg='#212529', height= 4, width= 16 )
p2_cs.grid(row=1, column=4)
button = tk.Button(window, text= 'Go-on', font=('arial', 16), height=2, width=4, command=lambda: play())
start_button = tk.Button(window, text= 'start New!', font=('arial', 16), height=2, width=8, command=lambda: start())
- packing every frame in the window :
creating two functions for starting a new game and playing turns:
def start():
global p1_current
p1_current =0
global p2_current
p2_current =0
global player1_score
player1_score = 0
global player2_score
player2_score = 0
global turn
turn = 5
def play():
global p1_current
global p2_current
global player1_score
global player2_score
global turn
if(turn != 0):
p1_current = random.randint(1,6)
p2_current = random.randint(1,6)
turn -= 1
if(player1_score < player2_score):
messagebox.showinfo(title='Result', message="You Win!")
elif(player1_score == player2_score):
messagebox.showinfo(title='Result', message="Tie!")
messagebox.showinfo(title='Result', message="You Lose!")